The project team consists of persons with interdisciplinary competencies in transition processes and management, governance and communication processes, the modeling of measures to be implemented with regard to their effectiveness, as well as sound competencies in the field of communication and participation.

Stakeholder Process & Expert Dialogue I Project Management

Foto: Edeltraud Haselsteiner
DI Edeltraud Haselsteiner
LOGO Urbanity
URBANITY I Märzstrasse 158/20, 1140 Vienna

Turnaround I Transition processes USERS

Foto: Lisa Danzer
Mag.a Lisa Danzer
Foto: Petra Wetzel
Mag.a Petra Wetzel
Foto: Nadja Bergmann
Mag.a Nadja Bergmann
Logo: L und R Social Research
L & R SOCIAL RESEARCH I Liniengasse 2a/1, 1060 Vienna

Transition processes TRAFFIC SYSTEM, ACTORS

Foto: Harald Frey
DI Dr. Harald Frey
Foto: Barbara Laa
DIin Barbara Laa
TU-WIEN, Institute of Transportation Sciences, Gußhausstraße 30 / 230-1, 1040 Vienna

Transition processes GOVERNANCE

PD Dr. Peter Biegelbauer
Thomas Friessnegg
AIT – Center for Innovation Systems & Policy, Giefinggasse 4, 1210 Vienna

… and other experts

In addition, the team is supported by numerous institutions and practitioners in the field: